Psalms 146:6-9

Verse 7

Which ewecuteth judgment for the oppressed - For those who suffer by violence or calumny. This may refer to the Israelites, who suffered much by oppression from the Babylonians, and by calumny from the Samaritans, etc., who had prejudiced the king of Persia against them.

Giving food to the hungry - No doubt he fed the poor captives by many displays of his peculiar providence.

The Lord looseth the prisoners - And as he has sustained you so long under your captivity, so will he bring you out of it.
Verse 8

Openeth the eyes of the blind - He brings us out of our prison-house, from the shadow of death, and opens our eyes that we may behold the free light of the day. And it is the Lord only that can open the eyes of any son of Adam, and give him to see his wretchedness, and where help and salvation may be found.

Raiseth them that are bowed down - Through a sense of their guilt and sinfulness.

The Lord loveth the righteous - These he makes partakers of a Divine nature; and he loves those who bear his own image.
Verse 9

Preserveth the strangers - He has preserved you strangers in a strange land, where you have been in captivity for seventy years; and though in an enemy's country, he has provided for the widows and orphans as amply as if he had been in the promised land.

The way of the wicked he turneth upside down - He subverts, turns aside. They shall not do all the wickedness they wish; they shall not do all that is in their power. In their career he will either stop them, turn them aside, or overturn them.
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