Psalms 61:1


The psalmist's prayer for those who mere banished from their own land, and from the ordinances of God, Psa 61:1, Psa 61:2. He praises God for his past mercies, Psa 61:3; purposes to devote himself entirely to his service, Psa 61:4, Psa 61:5. He prays for the king, Psa 61:6, Psa 61:7; and promises to perform his vow to the Lord daily, Psa 61:8.

The title, To the chief Musician upon Neginath, נגינת. The verb נגן nagan signifies to strike or play on a musical instrument, especially one of the stringed kind; but the נגינות neginoth, as it is written in about thirty MSS., may signify either the players on the instruments or the instruments themselves. The Psalm appears to have been written about the close of the captivity, and the most judicious interpreters refer it to that period. On this supposition the notes are formed.

Verse 1

Hear my cry, O God - In the midst of a long and painful captivity, oppressed with suffering, encompassed with cruel enemies and isolent masters, I address my humble prayer to Thee, O my God.
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