Romans 15:1-3


The strong should bear the infirmities of the weak, and each strive to please, not himself, but his neighbor, after the example of Christ, Rom 15:1-3. Whatsoever was written in old times was written for our learning, Rom 15:4. We should be of one mind, that we might with one mouth glorify God, Rom 15:5, Rom 15:6. We should accept each other as Christ has accepted us, Rom 15:7. Scriptural proofs that Jesus Christ was not only the minister of the circumcision, but came also for the salvation of the Gentiles, Rom 15:8-12. The God of hope can fill us with all peace and joy in believing, Rom 15:13. Character of the Church of Rome, Rom 15:14. The reason why the apostle wrote so boldly to the Church in that city - what God had wrought by him, and what he purposed to do, Rom 15:15-24. He tells them of his intended journey to Jerusalem, with a contribution to the poor saints - a sketch of this journey, Rom 15:25-29. He commends himself to their prayers, Rom 15:30-33.

Verse 1

We then that are strong - The sense of this verse is supposed to be the following: We, Gentile Christians, who perfectly understand the nature of our Gospel liberty, not only lawfully may, but are bound in duty to bear any inconveniences that may arise from the scruples of the weaker brethren, and to ease their consciences by prudently abstaining from such indifferent things as may offend and trouble them; and not take advantage from our superior knowledge to make them submit to our judgment.
Verse 2

Let every one of us please his neighbor - For it should be a maxim with each of us to do all in our power to please our brethren; and especially in those things in which their spiritual edification is concerned. Though we should not indulge men in mere whims and caprices, yet we should bear with their ignorance and their weakness, knowing that others had much to bear with from us before we came to our present advanced state of religious knowledge.
Verse 3

For even Christ pleased not himself - Christ never acted as one who sought his own ease or profit; he not only bore with the weakness, but with the insults, of his creatures; as it is written in Psa 69:9 : The reproaches of them that reproached thee fell on me - I not only bore their insults, but bore the punishment due to them for their vicious and abominable conduct. That this Psalm refers to the Messiah and his sufferings for mankind is evident, not only from the quotation here, but also from Joh 19:28, Joh 19:29, when our Lord's receiving the vinegar during his expiatory suffering is said to be a fulfilling of the scripture, viz. of Psa 69:21 of this very Psalm; and his cleansing the temple, Joh 2:15-17, is said to be a fulfillment of Psa 69:9 : For the zeal of thy house hath eaten me up, the former part of which verse the apostle quotes here.
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