Romans 4:6-7

Verse 6

Even as David also, etc. - David, in Psa 32:1, Psa 32:2, gives us also the true notion of this way of justification, i.e. by faith, without the merit of works, where he says: -
Verse 7

Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven - That is, the man is truly happy whose iniquities αι ανομιαι, whose transgressions of the law are forgiven; for by these he was exposed to the most grievous punishment. Whose sins, αι αμαρτιαι, his innumerable deviations from the strict rule of truth and righteousness, are covered - entirely removed out of sight, and thrown into oblivion. See the meaning of the word sin in the note on Gen 13:13 (note).
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