Titus 3:8

Verse 8

This is a faithful saying - Πιστος ὁ λογος· This is the true doctrine; the doctrine that cannot fail.

And these things I will - Και περι τουτων βουλομαι σε διαβεβαιουσθαι· And I will, or desire, thee to maintain earnestly what concerns these points. The things to which the apostle refers are those of which he had just been writing, and may be thus summed up: -

1. The ruined state of man, both in soul and body.

2. The infinite goodness of God which devised his salvation.

3. The manifestation of this goodness, by the incarnation of Jesus Christ.

4. The justification which they who believed received through his blood.

5. The mission of the Holy Spirit, and the purification of the heart by his influence.

6. The hope of the resurrection of the body, and the final glorification of both it and the soul through all eternity.

7. The necessity of obedience to the will of God, and of walking worthy of the vocation wherewith they had been called.

8. And all these points he wills him to press continually on the attention of believers; and to keep constantly in view, that all good comes from God's infinite kindness, by and through Christ Jesus.

They which have believed in God - All Christians; for who can maintain good works but those who have the principle from which good works flow, for without faith it is impossible to please God.

These things are good and profitable - They are good in themselves, and calculated to promote the well-being of men.
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