1 Chronicles 15:1-11


David prepares to bring home the ark, and musters the Levites, 1Chr 15:1-11. They sanctify themselves, and bear the ark upon their shoulders, 1Chr 15:12-15. The solemnities observed on the occasion, 1Chr 15:16-26. David dances before the ark, and is despised by his wife Michal, 1Chr 15:27-29.

Verse 1

Made him houses - One for himself, and one for the ark; in the latter was a tent, under which the ark was placed.
Verse 2

None ought to carry the ark - but the Levites - It was their business; and he should have thought of this sooner, and then the unfortunate breach on Uzza would have been prevented; see 1Chr 15:13.
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