1 Chronicles 26:1-12


The divisions of the porters, 1Chr 26:1-12. The gates assigned to them, 1Chr 26:13-19. Those who were over the treasures, 1Chr 26:20-28. Different officers, 1Chr 26:29-32.

Verse 1

The divisions of the porters - There were four classes of these, each of which belonged to one of the four gates of the temple, which opened to the four cardinal points of heaven. The eastern gate fell to Shelemiah; the northern, to Zechariah, 1Chr 26:14; the southern, to Obed-edom, 1Chr 26:15; the western, to Shuppim and Hosah, 1Chr 26:16. These several persons were captains of these porter-bands or door-keepers at the different gates. There were probably a thousand men under each of these captains; as we find, from 1Chr 23:5, that there were four thousand in all.
Verse 5

For God blessed him - "That is, Obed-edom; because of the ark of the Lord which was in his house; and to him was given the honor that he should see his children and grand-children, even fourscore and two, masters of the Levites." - T. In 1Chr 26:8, we have only sixty-two mentioned.
Verse 6

They were mighty men of valor - They were not only porters or door-keepers in the ordinary sense of the word, but they were a military guard for the gates: and perhaps in this sense alone we are to understand their office.
Verse 12

The rest of this chapter, with the whole of the 28th, is wanting both in the Syriac and Arabic.
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