1 Chronicles 6:3-16

Verse 4

Eleazar begat Phinehas - As the high priesthood continued in this family for a long time, the sacred historian confines himself to this chiefly, omitting Nadab and Abihu, and even the family of Ithamar.
Verse 8

Ahitub begat Zadok - Through this person the high priesthood came again into the family of Eleazar.
Verse 10

Johanan - Supposed to be the same as Jehoiada.

Executed the priest's office - Probably this refers to the dignified manner in which Azariah opposed King Uzziah, who wished to invade the priest's office, and offer incense in the temple. See 2Chr 26:17, 2Chr 26:18.
Verse 14

Seraiah - He was put to death by Nebuchadnezzar, 2Kgs 25:18, 2Kgs 25:21.
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