1 Kings 1:5-9

Verse 5

Adonijah the son of Haggith - Who this woman was we know not; Adonijah was evidently David's eldest son now living, and one of whom his father was particularly fond; see 1Kgs 1:6.

Prepared him chariots and horsemen - He copied the conduct of his brother Absalom in every respect. See 2Sam 15:1.
Verse 7

And he conferred with Joab - Joab well knew, if he made the new king, he would necessarily be continued in the command of the army, and so govern him.
Verse 8

And Nathan - Some suppose that he was the preceptor of Solomon.
Verse 9

Slew sheep and oven - Making a royal feast, in reference to his inauguration. As he had Abiathar the priest with him, no doubt these animals were offered sacrificially, and then the guests fed on the flesh of the victims. He had not only a splendid feast, but a great sacrifice; and he gave by this a popular color to his pretensions, by affecting to receive his authority from God.
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