1 Kings 2:36-42

Verse 36

Build thee a house - Thus he gave him the whole city for a prison, and this certainly could have reduced him to no hardships.
Verse 37

Thy blood shall be upon thine own head - Thou knowest what to expect; if thou disobey my orders thou shalt certainly be slain, and then thou shalt be considered as a self-murderer; thou alone shalt be answerable for thy own death. Solomon knew that Shimei was a seditious man, and he chose to keep him under his own eye; for such a man at large, in favorable circumstances, might do much evil. His bitter revilings of David were a sufficient proof.
Verse 40

And Shimei - went to Gath - It is astonishing that with his eyes wide open he would thus run into the jaws of death.
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