1 Samuel 15:1-9


Samuel sends Saul to destroy the Amalekites, and all their substance, 1Sam 15:1-3. Saul collects an immense army and comes against their city, 1Sam 15:4, 1Sam 15:5. He desires the Kenites to remove from among the Amalekites, 1Sam 15:6. He smites the Amalekites, and takes their king, Agag, prisoner, and saves the best of the spoil, 1Sam 15:7-9. The Lord is displeased, and sends Samuel to reprove him, 1Sam 15:10, 1Sam 15:11. The conversation between Samuel and Saul, in which the latter endeavors to justify his conduct, 1Sam 15:12-23. He is convinced that he has done wrong, and asks pardon, 1Sam 15:24-31. Samuel causes Agag to be slain; for which he assigns the reasons, 1Sam 15:32-35.

Verse 1

The Lord sent me to anoint thee - This gave him a right to say what immediately follows.
Verse 2

I remember that which Amalek did - The Amalekites were a people of Arabia Petraea, who had occupied a tract of country on the frontiers of Egypt and Palestine. They had acted with great cruelty towards the Israelites on their coming out of Egypt. (See Exo 17:8 (note), and the notes there). They came upon them when they were faint and weary, and smote the hindermost of the people - those who were too weak to keep up with the rest. (See Deu 25:18). And God then purposed that Amalek, as a nation, should be blotted out from under heaven; which purpose was now fulfilled by Saul upwards of four hundred years afterwards!
Verse 3

Slay both man and woman - Nothing could justify such an exterminating decree but the absolute authority of God. This was given: all the reasons of it we do not know; but this we know well, The Judge of all the earth doth right. This war was not for plunder, for God commanded that all the property as well as all the people should be destroyed.
Verse 4

Two hundred thousand - and ten thousand - The Septuagint, in the London Polyglot, have Four Hundred thousand companies of Israel, and Thirty thousand companies of Judah. The Codex Alexandrinus has Ten thousand of each. The Complutensian Polyglot has Two Hundred thousand companies of Israel, and Ten thousand of Judah. And Josephus has Four Hundred thousand of Israel, and Thirty thousand of Judah. All the other versions are the same with the Hebrew text; and there is no difference in the MSS.
Verse 5

Saul came to a city of Amalek - I believe the original should be translated, and Saul came to the city Amalek; their capital being called by the name of their tribe.
Verse 6

Said unto the Kenites - The Kenites were an ancient people. Jethro, the father-in-law of Moses, was a Kenite. Hobab his son (if the same person be not meant) was guide to the Hebrews through the wilderness. They had a portion of the promised land, near to the city Arad. See Jdg 1:16; and for more particulars concerning them and the Amalekites, see the notes on Num 26:20-21 (note).
Verse 7

From Havilah - to Shur - From Pelusium in Egypt, unto the Red Sea. - Josephus. But Havilah lay eastward from the Red Sea; the Amalekites lay between this and the way to Egypt towards Shur.
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