1 Samuel 28:1


The Philistines prepare to attack the Israelites, and Achish informs David that he shall accompany him to battle, 1Sam 28:1, 1Sam 28:2. Saul, unable to obtain any answer from God, applies to a witch at En-dor to bring up Samuel that he may converse with him on the issue of the war, 1Sam 28:3-11. Samuel appears, 1Sam 28:12-14. He reproaches Saul with his misconduct, and informs him of his approaching ruin, 1Sam 28:15-19. He is greatly distressed; but at the solicitations of the woman and his own servants, he takes some food, and departs the same night, 1Sam 28:20-25.

Verse 1

The Philistines gathered their armies together - Sir Isaac Newton conjectures that the Philistines had got a great increase to their armies by vast numbers of men which Amasis had driven out of Egypt. This, with Samuel's death, and David's disgrace, were no inconsiderable motives to a new war, front which the Philistines had now every thing to hope.

Thou shalt go out with me to battle - This he said, being deceived by what David had told him.
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