1 Thessalonians 3:1


St Paul informs them how, being hindered himself from visiting them, he had sent Timothy to comfort them, of whom he gives a high character, 1Thes 3:1, 1Thes 3:2. Shows that trials and difficulties are unavoidable in the present state, 1Thes 3:3, 1Thes 3:4. Mentions the joy he had on hearing by Timothy of their steadiness in the faith, for which he returns thanks to God; and prays earnestly for their increase, 1Thes 3:5-10. Prays also that God may afford him an opportunity of seeing them, 1Thes 3:11. And that they may abound in love to God and one another, and be unblamable in holiness at the coming of Christ, 1Thes 3:12, 1Thes 3:13.

Verse 1

Wherefore, when we could no longer, etc. - The apostle was anxious to hear of their state, and as he could obtain no information without sending a messenger express, he therefore sent Timothy from Athens; choosing rather to be left alone, than to continue any longer in uncertainty relative to their state.
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