1 Timothy 6:2

Verse 2

And they that have believing masters - Who have been lately converted as well as themselves.

Let them not despise them - Supposing themselves to be their equals, because they are their brethren in Christ; and grounding their opinion on this, that in him there is neither male nor female, bond nor free; for, although all are equal as to their spiritual privileges and state, yet there still continues in the order of God's providence a great disparity of their station: the master must ever be in this sense superior to the servant.

But rather do them service - Obey them the more cheerfully, because they are faithful and beloved; faithful to God's grace, beloved by him and his true followers.

Partakers of the benefit - Της ευεργεσιας αντιλαμβανομενοι· Joint partakers of the benefit. This is generally understood as referring to the master's participation in the services of his slaves. Because those who are partakers of the benefit of your services are faithful and beloved; or it may apply to the servants who are partakers of many benefits from their Christian masters. Others think that benefit here refers to the grace of the Gospel, the common salvation of believing masters and slaves; but Dr. Macknight well observes that ευεργεσια is nowhere used to denote the Gospel. One of Uffenbach's MSS. has εργασιας, of the service; this reading is plainly a gloss; it is not acknowledged by any other MS., nor by any version. FG, and the Codex Augustanus 6, have ευσεβειας, of godliness; a term by which the whole Gospel doctrine is expressed, 1Tim 4:7, 1Tim 4:8, as also in the 6th verse of this chapter (1Tim 6:6).
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