2 Chronicles 24:4-9

Verse 4

To repair the house of the Lord - During the reigns of Joram and Athaliah, the temple of God had been pillaged to enrich that of Baal, and the whole structure permitted to fall into decay; see 2Chr 24:7.
Verse 5

Gather of all Israel money - As the temple was the property of the whole nation, and the services performed in it were for the salvation of the people at large, it was right that each should come forward on an occasion of this kind, and lend a helping hand. This is the first instance of such a general collection for building or repairing a house of God.

From year to year - It must have been in a state of great dilapidation, when it required such annual exertions to bring it into a thorough state of repair.
Verse 6

The collection - of Moses - This was the poll-tax, fixed by Moses, of half a shekel, which was levied on every man from twenty years old and upward; and which was considered as a ransom for their souls, that there might be no plague among them. See Exo 30:12-14.
Verse 8

They made a chest - See the notes on the parallel places, 2Kgs 12:4 (note), etc.
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