2 John 11

Verse 11

Is partaker of his evil deeds - He that acts towards him as if he considered him a Christian brother, and sound in the faith, puts it in his power to deceive others, by thus apparently accrediting his ministry. No sound Christian should countenance any man as a Gospel minister, who holds and preaches erroneous doctrines; especially concerning the Lord Jesus. Nor can any Christian attend the ministry of such teachers without being criminal in the sight of God. He who attends their ministry is, in effect, bidding them God speed; no matter whether such belong to an established Church, or to any congregation of dissenters from it. But what St. John says here does not mean that we should deny such the common offices of humanity, charity, and mercy. No. In these offices we are equally bound to all men; far less does it intimate that we should persecute such on account of their heretical or heterodox sentiments. No. This right has God given to no man, to no Church, to no state. They who persecute others, even for the worst heretical opinions, may expect the heaviest judgments of Almighty God.

There is a remarkable addition here in several MSS. Of the Vulgate, and in some printed editions. Ecce praedixi vobis, ut in diem Domini nostri Jesu Christi non confundamini. "Behold, I have foretold this to you, that ye may not be confounded in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ."

This addition is found in the edition of Pope Sixtus the Fifth, and in the Complutensian Polyglot; but it is not acknowledged by any of the versions, nor by any Greek MSS.
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