2 Samuel 3:1-5


Account of the children born to David in Hebron, 2Sam 3:1-5. Abner being accused by Ish-bosheth of familiarities with Rizpah, Saul's concubine, he is enraged; offers his services to David; goes to Hebron, and makes a league with him, vv. 6-22. Joab, through enmity to Abner, pretends to David that he came as a spy, and should not be permitted to return, 2Sam 3:23-25. He follows Abner, and treacherously slays him, 2Sam 3:26, 2Sam 3:27. David hearing of it is greatly incensed against Joab, and pronounces a curse upon him and upon his family, 2Sam 3:28, 2Sam 3:29. He commands a general mourning for Abner, and himself follows the bier weeping, 2Sam 3:30-32. David's lamentation over Abner, 2Sam 3:33, 2Sam 3:34. The people solicit David to take meat; but he fasts the whole day, and complains to them of the insolence and intrigues of Joab and his brothers: the people are pleased with his conduct, 2Sam 3:35-39.

Verse 1

There was long war - Frequent battles and skirmishes took place between the followers of David and the followers of Ish-bosheth, after the two years mentioned above, to the end of the fifth year, in which Ish-bosheth was slain by Rechab and Baanah.
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