2 Timothy 2:1


He exhorts Timothy to constancy, fidelity, and courage; and to acquit himself as a true soldier of Jesus Christ; and patiently expect the fruit of his labors, 2Tim 2:1-7. What the apostle's doctrine was relative to Christ, 2Tim 2:8. He mentions his own sufferings and consolations, 2Tim 2:9-13. What Timothy is to preach, how he is to acquit himself, and what he is to shun, 2Tim 2:14-16. Of Hymeneus and Philetus, and their errors, 2Tim 2:17, 2Tim 2:18. Of the foundation of God, and its security, 2Tim 2:19. The simile of a great house and its utensils, 2Tim 2:20, 2Tim 2:21. Timothy is to avoid youthful lusts, and foolish and unlearned questions, 2Tim 2:22, 2Tim 2:23. How he is to act in reference to false teachers, 2Tim 2:24-26.

Verse 1

Be strong in the grace - Though the genuine import of the word grace is favor, yet it often implies an active principle communicated from God; light directing how to act, and power enabling to act according to the light.
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