Acts 1:23

Verse 23

They appointed two - These two were probably of the number of the seventy disciples; and, in this respect, well fitted to fill up the place. It is likely that the disciples themselves were divided in opinion which of these two was the most proper person, and therefore laid the matter before God, that he might decide it by the lot. No more than two candidates were presented; probably because the attention of the brethren had been drawn to those two alone, as having been most intimately acquainted with our Lord, or in being better qualified for the work than any of the rest; but they knew not which to prefer.

Joseph called Barsabas - Some MSS. read Joses Barnabas, making him the same with Joses Barnabas, Act 4:36. But the person here is distinguished from the person there, by being called Justus.
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