Acts 15:12

Verse 12

All the multitude kept silence - The strong facts stated by St. Peter could not be controverted. His speech may be thus analyzed:

1. Circumcision is a sign of the purification of the heart.

2. That purification can only be effected by the Holy Ghost.

3. This Holy Spirit was hitherto supposed to be the portion of those only who had received circumcision.

4. But the Gentiles, who were never circumcised, nor kept any part of the law of Moses, have had their hearts purified by faith in Christ Jesus.

5. As God, therefore, has given them the thing signified, he evidently does not intend that the sign should be administered.

6. Should we impose this burthensome rite, we should most evidently be provoking God, who plainly shows us that he intends no more to save in this way.

7. Therefore it is evident that both Jews and Gentiles are to be saved through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Gave audience to Barnabas and Paul - These apostles came forward next, to corroborate what Peter had said, by showing the miracles and wonders which God had by them wrought among the Gentiles. Peter stated facts: Paul and Barnabas confirmed the statement.
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