Acts 16:4

Verse 4

They delivered them the decrees for to keep - Τα δογματα, τα κεκριμενα ὑπο των ΑποϚολων. Bishop Pearce contends that τα δογματα, the decrees, is a gloss which was not in the text originally; and that the τα κεκριμενα, the judgments or determinations of the apostles, was all that was originally written here. He supports his opinion by a reference to the word κρινω, I judge, used by James, Act 15:19, whence the whole decision, as it referred -

1. to the inexpediency of circumcising the Gentiles; and,

2. to the necessity of observing the four precepts laid down, was called τα κεκριμενα, the things that were judged, or decided on; the judgments of the apostolic council.

Instead of κεκριμενα, the Syrian has a word that answers to γεγραμμενα, the decrees that were written. The word δογμα, from δοκεω, to think proper, determine, decree, signifies an ordinance or decree, properly and deliberately made, relative to any important point, and which, in reference to that point, has the force of law. Our term dogma, which we often abuse, is the Greek word in English letters.
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