Acts 2:36

Verse 36

Both Lord and Christ - Not only the Messiah, but the supreme Governor of all things and all persons, Jews and Gentiles, angels and men. In the preceding discourse, Peter assumes a fact which none would attempt to deny, viz. that Jesus had been lately crucified by them.

He then,

1. Proves his resurrection.

2. His ascension.

3. His exaltation to the right hand of God.

4. The effusion of the Holy Spirit, which was the fruit of his glorification, and which had not only been promised by himself, but foretold by their own prophets: in consequence of which,

5. It was indisputably proved that this same Jesus, whom they had crucified, was the promised Messiah; and if so,

6. The Governor of the universe, from whose power and justice they had every thing to dread, as they refused to receive his proffered mercy and kindness.
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