Ephesians 4:6

Verse 6

One God - The fountain of all being, self-existent and eternal; and Father of all, both Jews and Gentiles, because he is the Father of the spirits of all flesh.

Who is above all - Ὁ επι παντων· Who is over all; as the King of kings, and Lord of lords.

And through all - Pervading every thing; being present with every thing; providing for all creatures; and by his energy supporting all things.

And in you all - By the energy of his Spirit, enlightening, quickening, purifying, and comforting; in a word, making your hearts the temples of the Holy Ghost. Some think the mystery of the blessed Trinity is contained in this verse: God is over all, as Father; through all, by the Logos or Word; and in all, by the Holy Spirit.
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