Ephesians 6:1-3


Children should obey their parents, that they may live long and be happy, Eph 6:1-3. Parents should be tender towards their children, Eph 6:4. Servants should show all obedience and fidelity to their masters, Eph 6:5-8. And masters should treat their servants with humanity, Eph 6:9. All should be strong in the Lord, and be armed with his armor, because of their wily, powerful, and numerous foes, Eph 6:10-13. The different parts of the Christian armor enumerated, Eph 6:14-17. The necessity of all kinds of prayer and watchfulness, Eph 6:18-20. Tychicus is commissioned to inform the Ephesians of the apostle's affairs, Eph 6:21, Eph 6:22. The apostolic benediction and farewell, Eph 6:23, Eph 6:24.

Verse 1

Children, obey your parents - This is a duty with which God will never dispense; he commands it, and one might think that gratitude, from a sense of the highest obligations, would most strongly enforce the command.

In the Lord - This clause is wanting in several reputable MSS., and in same versions. In the Lord may mean, on account of the commandment of the Lord; or, as far as the parents commands are according to the will and word of God. For surely no child is called to obey any parent if he give unreasonable or unscriptural commands.
Verse 2

Honor thy father - See the notes on Exo 20:12, etc., where this subject, together with the promises and threatenings connected with it, is particularly considered, and the reasons of the duty laid down at large.
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