Ezekiel 30:12-19

Verse 12

I will make the rivers dry - As the overflowing of the Nile was the grand cause of fertility to Egypt, the drying it up, or preventing that annual inundation, must be the cause of dearth, famine, etc. By rivers, we may understand the various canals cut from the Nile to carry water into the different parts of the land. When the Nile did not rise to its usual height these canals were quite dry.
Verse 13

Their images to cease out of Noph - Afterwards Memphis, and now Cairo or Kahira. This was the seat of Egyptian idolatry; the place where Apis was particularly worshipped.

No more a prince of the land of Egypt - Not one, from that time to the present day. See the note on Eze 29:14.
Verse 14

I will make Pathros desolate - See Eze 29:14.

Zoan - Tanis, the ancient capital of Egypt.

No - Diospolis, or Thebes, the city of Jupiter.
Verse 15

My fury upon Sin - Pelusium, a strong city of Egypt, on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea.
Verse 16

Noph - Cairo or Kahira; see Eze 30:13.
Verse 17

Aven - Or On, the famous Heliopolis, or city of the sun.

Pibeseth - Bubastum or Bubaste, by a slight alteration of the letters. It is situated on the eastern branch of the Nile, towards Arabia.
Verse 18

Tehaphnehes - Called also Tahapanes, Jer 2:16. This is the Pelusian Daphne.

Break there the yokes - The sceptres. Nebuchadnezzar broke the scepter of Egypt when he confirmed the kingdom to Amasis, who had rebelled against Apries.
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