Ezekiel 37:14

Verse 14

And shall put my Spirit - רוחי ruchi. Here רוח ruach is taken for the Holy Ghost. They were living souls, animal and intellectual beings, when they had received their souls, as mentioned above: but they could only become spiritual, holy, and obedient creatures by the Spirit of God actuating their spirits. See the notes on Eze 36:25-27 (note).

Three degrees or processes have been remarked in this mystic vision.

When the prophet was commanded to prophesy - to foretell, on the authority of God, that there should be a restoration to their own land: -

1. There was a noise, which was followed by a general shaking, during which the bones became arranged and united.

2. The flesh and skin came upon them, so that the dry bones were no longer seen.

3. The spirit or soul came into them, and they stood up perfectly vivified.

Perhaps these might be illustrated by three periods of time, which marked the regeneration of the Jewish polity.

1. The publication of the edict of Cyrus in behalf of the Jews, which caused a general shaking or stir among the people, so that the several families began to approach each other. and prepare for their return to Judea, Ezr 1:2, Ezr 1:3. But though partially restored, they were obliged to discontinue the rebuilding of their temple.

2. The edict published by Darius in the second year of his reign, Ezr 4:23, Ezr 4:24, which removed the impediments thrown in the way of the Jews. Ezr 6:6, Ezr 6:7, etc.

3. The mission of Nehemiah, with orders from Artaxerxes to complete the building of the temple and the city, Neh 2:7, etc. Then the Jews became a great army, and found themselves in sufficient force to defend themselves and city against all their enemies.

As to the spiritual uses of this curious vision, I must leave them to preachers. I have given the literal meaning, and what the different parts refer to; and if they found their observations on these, they may profit their hearers.
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