Genesis 14:4-7

Verse 5

Rephaims - A people of Canaan: Gen 15:20.

Ashteroth - A city of Basan, where Og afterwards reigned; Jos 13:31.

Zuzims - Nowhere else spoken of, unless they were the same with the Zamzummims, Deu 2:20, as some imagine.

Emims - A people great and many in the days of Moses, and tall as the Anakim. They dwelt among the Moabites, by whom they were reputed giants; Deu 2:10, Deu 2:11.

Shaveh Kiriathaim - Rather, as the margin, the plain of Kiriathaim, which was a city afterwards belonging to Sihon king of Heshbon; Jos 13:19.
Verse 6

The Horites - A people that dwelt in Mount Seir, till Esau and his sons drove them thence; Deu 2:22.

El-paran - The plain or oak of Paran, which was a city in the wilderness of Paran; Gen 21:21.
Verse 7

En-mishpat - The well of judgment; probably so called from the judgment pronounced by God on Moses and Aaron for their rebellion at that place; Num 20:1-10.

Amalekites - So called afterwards, from Amalek, son of Esau; Gen 36:12.

Hazezon-tamar - Called, in the Chaldee, Engaddi; a city in the land of Canaan, which fell to the lot of Judah; Jos 15:62. See also 2Chr 20:2. It appears, from Sol 1:14, to have been a very fruitful place.
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