Genesis 43:1


The famine continuing, Jacob desires his sons to go again to Egypt and buy some food, Gen 43:1, Gen 43:2. Judah shows the necessity of Benjamin's accompanying them, without whom it would be useless to return to Egypt, Gen 43:3-5. Jacob expostulates with him, Gen 43:6. Judah replies, and offers to become surety for Benjamin, Gen 43:7-10. Jacob at last consenting and desires them to take a present with them for the governor of Egypt; and double money, that which they had brought back in their sacks' mouth, and the price of the load they were now to bring; and, having prayed for them, sends them away, Gen 43:11-15. They arrive in Egypt, and are brought to Joseph's house to dine with him, at which they are greatly alarmed, Gen 43:16-18. They speak to the steward of Joseph's house concerning the money returned in their sacks, Gen 43:19-22. He gives them encouragement, Gen 43:23, Gen 43:24. Having made ready the present, they bring it to Joseph when he came home to dine, Gen 43:25, Gen 43:26. He speaks kindly to them, and inquires concerning their health, and that of their father, Gen 43:27, Gen 43:28. Joseph is greatly affected at seeing his brother Benjamin, Gen 43:29-31. They dine with him, and are distinguished according to their seniority; but Benjamin receives marks of peculiar favor, Gen 43:32-34.
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