Habakkuk 3:3

Verse 3

God came from Teman - Bp. Lowth observes: "This is a sudden burst of poetry, in the true spirit of the ode; the concealed connection being that God, who had formerly displayed such power in delivering the Israelites from Egyptian slavery, might succor their posterity in a like wonderful manner." Hence the prophet selects the most striking facts of that first deliverance; and to decorate and render them impressive, brings forth all the powers of his genius, in all the strength and elegance of his language. "What crowns the sublimity of this piece," says Bp. Lowth, "is the singular elegance of the close; and were it not that antiquity has here and there thrown its veil of obscurity over it, there could not be conceived a more perfect and masterly poem of its kind." See, for more particulars, his twenty-eighth Prelection.

I shall endeavor to show the facts in the deliverance from Egypt, to which the prophet refers.

Teman - This was a city, the capital of a province of Idumea, to the south of the land of Canaan. Num 20:21; Jer 49:7.

Paran - Was a city which gave its name to a province in Arabia Petraea. Gen 21:21; Deu 33:2.

Selah - This word is not well known; probably it means a pause or alteration in the music. See it in the Psalms, and its explanation there.

His glory covered the heavens - His glory when he descended on Mount Sinai, and in the pillar of fire by night.

The earth was full of his praise - All the land was astonished at the magnificence of his works in behalf of his people. Instead of praise, some translate splendor. The whole land was illuminated by his glory.
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