Isaiah 32:2

Verse 2

As the shadow of a great rock - The shadow of a great projecting rock is the most refreshing that is possible in a hot country, not only as most perfectly excluding the rays of the sun, but also as having in itself a natural coolness, which it reflects and communicates to every thing about it.

Speluncaeque tegant, et saxea procubet umbra.

Virg. Georg. 3:145. "Let the cool cave and shady rock protect them." Επει κεφαλην και γουνατα Σειριος αζει, Αυαλεος δε τε χρως απο καυματος· αλλα τοτ' ηδη Ειη πετραιη τε σκιν, και Βιβλινος οινος.

Hesiod. 2:206. "When Sirius rages, and thine aching head,

Parched skin, and feeble knees refreshment need;

Then to the rock's projected shade retire,

With Biblin wine recruit thy wasted powers."
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