Isaiah 57:15

Verse 15

For thus saith the high and lofty One "For thus saith Jehovah, the high and the lofty" - A MS. adds יהוה Yehovah, after אמר amar, and edition Prag. 1518. So the Septuagint, Alex., and Arabic. An ancient MS. adds יה Yah.

With him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit - Twelve MSS. have את eth, without the conjunction ו vau. Pro ואת veeth, forte legendum ואראה veerah: confer Psa 113:5, et Psa 138:6. - Secker. "We should perhaps read ואראה veerah, instead of ואת veeth. See Psa 113:5, and Psa 138:6."
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