James 2:1


We should not prefer the rich to the poor, nor show any partiality inconsistent with the Gospel of Christ, Jam 2:1-4. God has chosen the poor, rich in faith, to be heirs of his kingdom, even those whom some among their brethren despised and oppressed, Jam 2:5, Jam 2:6. They should love their neighbor as themselves, and have no respect of persons, Jam 2:7-9. He who breaks one command of God is guilty of the whole, Jam 2:10, Jam 2:11. They should act as those who shall be judged by the law of liberty; and he shall have judgment without mercy, who shows no mercy, Jam 2:12, Jam 2:13. Faith without works of charity and mercy is dead; nor can it exist where there are no good works, Jam 2:14-20. Abraham proved his faith by his works, Jam 2:21-24. And so did Rahab, Jam 2:25. As the body without the soul is dead, so is faith without good works, Jam 2:26.

Verse 1

My brethren, have not - This verse should be read interrogatively: My brethren, do ye not make profession of the faith or religion of our glorious Lord Jesus Christ with acceptance of persons? That is, preferring the rich to the poor merely because of their riches, and not on account of any moral excellence, personal piety, or public usefulness. Πιστις, faith, is put here for religion; and της δοξης, of glory, should, according to some critics, be construed with it as the Syriac and Coptic have done. Some connect it with our Lord Jesus Christ - the religion of our glorious Lord Jesus Christ. Others translate thus, the faith of the glory of our Lord Jesus. There are many various readings in the MSS. and versions on this verse: the meaning is clear enough, though the connection be rather obscure.
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