Judges 12:1


The Ephraimites are incensed against Jephthah, because he did not call them to war against the Ammonites; and threaten his destruction, Jdg 12:1. He vindicates himself, Jdg 12:2, Jdg 12:3; and arms the Gileadites against the men of Ephraim; they fight against them, and kill forty-two thousand Ephraimites at the passages of Jordan, Jdg 12:4-6. Jephthah dies, having judged Israel six years, Jdg 12:7. Ibzan judge seven years, Jdg 12:8. His posterity and death, Jdg 12:9, Jdg 12:10. Elon judge ten years, and dies, Jdg 12:11, Jdg 12:12. Abdon judge eight years, Jdg 12:13. His posterity and death, Jdg 12:14, Jdg 12:15.

Verse 1

The men of Ephraim gathered themselves together - ויצעק vaiyitstsaek, they called each other to arms; summoning all their tribe and friends to arm themselves to destroy Jephthah and the Gileadites, being jealous lest they should acquire too much power.
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