Jeremiah 26:8-18

Verse 8

And all the people - That were in company with the priests and the prophets.
Verse 10

The princes of Judah - The king's court; his cabinet counsellors.
Verse 12

The Lord sent me to prophesy - My commission is from him, and my words are his own. I sought not this painful office. I did not run before I was sent.
Verse 13

Therefore now amend your ways - If ye wish to escape the judgment which I have predicted, turn to God, and iniquity shall not be your ruin.
Verse 14

As for me, behold, I am in your hand - I am the messenger of God; you may do with me what you please; but if you slay me, you will bring innocent blood upon yourselves.
Verse 16

This man is not worthy to die - The whole court acquitted him.
Verse 17

Certain of the elders - This is really a fine defense, and the argument was perfectly conclusive. Some think that it was Ahikam who undertook the prophet's defense.
Verse 18

Micah the Morasthite - The same as stands among the prophets. Now all these prophesied as hard things against the land as Jeremiah has done; yet they were not put to death, for the people saw that they were sent of God.
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