Jeremiah 49:28-33

Verse 28

Concerning Kedar, and Concerning the Kingdoms of Hazor - This is the title of another new prophecy.

Kedar was the name of one of the sons of Ishmael (Gen 25:13) who settled in Arabia, and who gave name to a powerful tribe of Arabs who used to traffic with the Tyrians in cattle. It appears from this prophecy that Nebuchadnezzar got a commission to go against and reduce them to great misery.
Verse 29

Their tents and their flocks - This description of property shows that they were Scenite or Nomad Arabs; persons who dwell in tents, and whose principal property was cattle, especially camels, of the whole of which they were plundered by the Chaldeans.
Verse 30

Dwell deep - Retire into the depths of the desert. See on Jer 49:8 (note).

Inhabitants of Hazor - I cannot find this place. It was no doubt in Arabia, and a place of considerable importance; but it is now no more.
Verse 31

The wealthy nation - גוי שליו goi sheleiv, "the peaceable nation" -

Have neither gates nor bars - The Arabs, who had nothing but their tents; no cities, nor even permanent villages.
Verse 32

The utmost corners - Even in these utmost inaccessible recesses the sword and pillage shall reach them. "'The utmost corners;' insulated coasts; the peninsula of Arabia." - Blayney.
Verse 33

Hazor shall be a dwelling for dragons - Shall be turned into a wilderness.

A desolation for ever - Never to be repeopled.

There shalt no man abide there - It may occasionally be visited, but never made a permanent abode.
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