John 6:15

Verse 15

Take him by force, to make him a king - The Jews had often suffered by famine in those times in which their enemies were permitted to prevail over them; but, finding that Jesus had such power as to multiply a few loaves to feed thousands, they took it for granted that while he was at their head no evil could possibly happen to them, and therefore were determined immediately to proclaim him king, and rid themselves at once of Herod and the Romans. Our Lord perceiving this, either by some words which they had dropped, or by his penetration of their hearts, retired before the project had been fully formed, or could be put into execution. It was not till a considerable time afterwards that even the disciples fully understood that his kingdom was not of this world.

Into a mountain - That on which he was with his disciples previously to his working this miracle: see Joh 6:3.

St. Matthew, Mat 14:22, Mat 14:23, and Mark, Mar 6:45, Mar 6:46, say that, before this, Jesus constrained his disciples to embark in the vessel, and go along the sea coast towards Capernaum, or Bethsaida - see here Joh 6:17, and the note on Mar 6:45 (note); and that, after they were gone, he dismissed the multitudes, having, no doubt, given them such advices as the nature of the case required; after which he went into the mountain to pray.

Worldly wisdom would have said, "Declare thyself king: yield to the desires of the people: this will be the readiest way of converting the Jews." No. Jesus must die for the sin of the world. - No man's heart can be turned to God by outward pomp or splendor - no saving change can be brought about by any might or any power, but by the Spirit of the Lord of hosts. Zac 4:6.
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