Joshua 15:16-19

Verse 16

Will I give Achsah my daughter - In ancient times fathers assumed an absolute right over their children, especially in disposing of them in marriage; and it was customary for a king or great man to promise his daughter in marriage to him who should take a city, kill an enemy, etc. So Saul promised his daughter in marriage to him who should kill Goliath, 1Sam 17:25; and Caleb offers his on this occasion to him who should take Kirjath-sepher. Profane writers furnish many similar examples.
Verse 18

As she came - As she was now departing from the house of her father to go to that of her husband.

She moved him - Othniel, to ask of her father a field, one on which she had set her heart, as contiguous to the patrimony already granted.

She lighted off her ass - ותצנח vattitsnach, she hastily, suddenly alighted, as if she had forgotten something, or was about to return to her father's house. Which being perceived by her father, he said, What wouldest thou? What is the matter? What dost thou want?
Verse 19

Give me a blessing - Do me an act of kindness. Grant me a particular request.

Thou hast given me a south land - Which was probably dry, or very ill, watered.

Give me also springs of water - Let me have some fields in which there are brooks or wells already digged.

The upper springs, and the nether springs - He gave her even more than she requested; he gave her a district among the mountains and another in the plains well situated and well watered. There are several difficulties in this account, with which I shall not trouble the reader. What is mentioned above appears to be the sense.
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