Luke 21:12-15

Verse 12

Synagogues - Or, assemblies, etc. See these all explained on Mar 13:9 (note).
Verse 13

It shall turn to you for a testimony - That is, it shall turn out on your part for a testimony to them (your persecutors) that you are thoroughly persuaded of the truth of what you teach, and that you are no impostors.
Verse 14

Settle it therefore, etc. - See on Mat 10:19 (note).
Verse 15

I will give you a mouth and wisdom - Στομα, a mouth, must appear plain to every person to be used here for a ready utterance, or eloquence in speaking. They shall have an abundance of wisdom to know what to say; and they shall have an irresistible eloquence to say what they ought.
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