Luke 23:38

Verse 38

A superscription - See Mat 27:37.

In letters of Greek, and Latin and Hebrew - The inscription was written in all these languages, which were the most common, that all might see the reason why he was put to death. The inscription was written in Greek, on account of the Hellenistic Jews, who were then at Jerusalem because of the passover; it was written in Latin, that being the language of the government under which he was crucified; and it was written in Hebrew, that being the language of the place in which this deed of darkness was committed. But, by the good providence of God, the inscription itself exculpated him, and proved the Jews to be rebels against, and murderers of, their king. See the note on Mat 27:37. It is not to be wondered at that they wished Pilate to alter this inscription, Joh 19:21, as it was a record of their infamy.
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