Luke 9:53

Verse 53

His face was - They saw he was going up to Jerusalem to keep the feast; (it was the feast of tabernacles, Joh 7:2); and knowing him thereby to be a Jew, they would afford nothing for his entertainment; for, in religious matters, the Samaritans and Jews had no dealings: see Joh 4:9. The Samaritans were a kind of mongrel heathens; they feared Jehovah, and served other gods, 2Kgs 17:34. They apostatized from the true religion, and persecuted those who were attached to it. See an account of them, Mat 16:1 (note). Those only who have deserted the truth of God, or who are uninfluenced by it, hate them who embrace and act by it. When a man has once decidedly taken the road to heaven, he can have but little credit any longer in the world, 1Jn 3:1.
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