Mark 1:40

Verse 40

There came a leper - See the notes on Mat 8:2, etc.

Should any be inclined to preach on this cleansing of the leper, Mark is the best evangelist to take the account from, because he is more circumstantial than either Matthew or Luke.

I. Consider this leper.

1. He heard of Jesus and his miracles.

2. He came to him for a cure, conscious of his disease.

3. He earnestly besought him to grant the mercy he needed.

4. He fell down on his knees, (with his face to the earth, Luk 5:12), thus showing his humbled state, and the distress of his soul.

5. He appealed to his love - if thou wilt; with a full conviction of his ability - thou canst; in order to get healed.

II. Consider Jesus.

1. He is moved with tender compassion towards him: this is the alone source of all human salvation.

2. He stretches forth his hand, showing thus his readiness to relieve him.

3. He touches him; though this was prohibited by the law, and rendered him who did it in any common case legally unclean.

4. He proves at once his infinite love and unlimited power, by his word and by his act; I will - be thou cleansed; and immediately his leprosy was removed. But see on Mat 8:2 (note).
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