Mark 2:23-26

Verse 23

Went through the corn fields - See on Mat 12:1 (note).
Verse 26

The days of Abiathar the high priest - It appears from 1Sam 21:1, which is the place referred to here, that Ahimelech was then high priest at Nob: and from 1Sam 22:20; 1Sam 23:6, and 1Chr 18:16, it appears that Abiathar was the son of Ahimelech. The Persic reads Abimelech instead of Abiathar. Theophylact supposes that Abiathar was the priest, and Ahimelech or Abimelech the high priest, and thus endeavors to reconcile both the sacred historians. Others reconcile the accounts thus: Ahimelech was called Ahimelech Abiathar, אב ab, father, understood; and Abiathar was called Abiathar Ahimelech, בן ben, son, understood. Probably they both officiated in the high priesthood; and the name of the office was indifferently applied to either.

Shew-bread - See Mat 12:4.
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