Matthew 17:1-8


The transfiguration of Christ, Mat 17:1-8. Christ's discourse with his disciples on the subject, Mat 17:9-13. He heals a lunatic, Mat 17:14-18. His discourse with his disciples on this subject also, Mat 17:19-21. He foretells his own sufferings and death, Mat 17:22, Mat 17:23. He is required to pay tribute at Capernaum, Mat 17:24-26; and provides the money by a miracle, Mat 17:27.

Verse 1

After six days - Mar 9:2, has the same number; but Luke says, Luk 9:28, after eight days. The reason of this difference seems to be the following: Matthew and Mark reckon the days from that mentioned in the preceding chapter, to that mentioned in this; Luke includes both days, as well as the six intermediate: hence, the one makes eight, the other six, without any contradiction.

Peter, James, and John - He chose those that they might be witnesses of his transfiguration: two or three witnesses being required by the Scripture to substantiate any fact. Eminent communications of the Divine favor prepare for, and entitle to, great services and great conflicts. The same three were made witnesses of his agony in the garden, Mat 26:37.

A high mountain - This was one of the mountains of Galilee; but whether Mount Tabor or not, is uncertain. Some think it was Mount Hermon. St. Luke says, Christ and his disciples went up into the mountain to pray, Luk 9:28.
Verse 2

Was transfigured - That fullness of the Godhead, which dwelt bodily in Christ, now shone forth through the human nature, and manifested to his disciples not only that Divinity which Peter had before confessed, Mat 16:16, but also the glorious resurrection body, in which they should exist in the presence of God to eternity.

White as the light - But the Cod. Bezae, some of the ancient versions, and several of the fathers, read ως χιων, as snow; and this is the reading in Mar 9:3.
Verse 3

Moses and Elias - Elijah came from heaven in the same body which he had upon earth, for he was translated, and did not see death, 2Kgs 2:11. And the body of Moses was probably raised again, as a pledge of the resurrection; and as Christ is to come to judge the quick and the dead, for we shall not all die, but all shall be changed, 1Cor 15:51, he probably gave the full representation of this in the person of Moses, who died, and was thus raised to life, (or appeared now as he shall appear when raised from the dead in the last day), and in the person of Elijah, who never tasted death. Both their bodies exhibit the same appearance, to show that the bodies of glorified saints are the same, whether the person had been translated, or whether he had died. It was a constant and prevalent tradition among the Jews, that both Moses and Elijah should appear in the times of the Messiah, and to this very tradition the disciples refer, Mat 17:10.

We may conceive that the law in the person of Moses, the great Jewish legislator, and the prophets in the person of Elijah, the chief of the prophets, came now to do homage to Jesus Christ, and to render up their authority into his hands; as he was the End of the law, and the grand subject of the predictions of the prophets. This appears more particularly from what St. Luke says, Luk 9:31, that Moses and Elijah conversed with our Lord on his death, which he was about to accomplish, (πληρουν to fulfill), because in it, all the rites, ceremonies, and sacrifices of the law, as well as the predictions of the prophets, were fulfilled.
Verse 4

Peter said - let us make, etc. - That is, when he saw Moses and Elijah ready to depart from the mount, Luk 9:33, he wished to detain them, that he might always enjoy their company with that of his Lord and Master, still supposing that Christ would set up a temporal kingdom upon earth.
Verse 5

A bright cloud overshadowed them - Or as six MSS. and Ephraim read it, a cloud of light, νεφελη φωτος; which reading Griesbach has admitted into the text. As a bright cloud, or a cloud of light could not overshadow, or cast any kind of shade, the word επεσκιασεν should be translated, surrounded them. A cloud was frequently the symbol of the Divine presence; but such a cloud had always something very remarkable in its appearance. Ezekiel, Eze 1:4, represents it as a great cloud, and a fire unfolding itself, and a brightness about it, and out of the midst thereof, as the color of amber out of the midst of the fire; and in Eze 1:28, he tells us that this was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord. See also Exo 16:10; Exo 40:33, etc.; Eze 43:2, and 1Chr 5:14. But it was generally in a thick, dark cloud, that God manifested himself under the law; see Exo 19:9; Exo 20:21. This might be designed as emblematical of the old covenant, which was but the shadow of the good things which were to come, Heb 10:1; and the cloud of light mentioned here, the emblem of that glorious display of God, in his Gospel, by which life and immortality were brought to light, 2Tim 1:10.

This is my beloved Son - Ουτος εϚιν ο υιος μου ο αγαπητος, εν ω ευδοκησα, This is my Son, the beloved one, in who I have delighted, or, been well pleased. God adds his testimony of approbation to what was spoken of the sufferings of Christ by Moses and Elijah; thus showing that the sacrificial economy of the old covenant was in itself of no worth, but as it referred to the grand atonement which Jesus was about to make; therefore he says, In him Have I delighted, (ευδοκησα), intimating that it was in him alone, as typified by those sacrifices, that he Had delighted through the whole course of the legal administration; and that it was only in reference to the death of his Son that he accepted the offerings and oblations made to him under the old covenant. Hear Him. The disciples wished to detain Moses and Elijah that they might hear them: but God shows that the law which had been in force, and the prophets which had prophesied, until now, must all give place to Jesus; and he alone must now be attended to, as the way, the truth, and the life; for no man could now come unto the Father but through him. This voice seems also to refer to that prediction in Deu 18:15. The Lord shall raise up a Prophet like unto me: Him Shall Ye Hear. Go no more to the law, nor to the prophets, to seek for a coming Messiah; for behold he Is come! Hear and obey him, and him only.

This transfiguration must have greatly confirmed the disciples in the belief of a future state, and in the doctrine of the resurrection; they saw Moses and Elijah still Existing, though the former had been gathered to his fathers upwards of 1400 years, and the latter had been translated nearly 900.
Verse 6

Fell on their face - Dismayed by the voice, and dazzled by the glory of the cloud. So Daniel, Dan 8:17, and Saul of Tarsus, Act 9:4.
Verse 7

Jesus came and touched them - Exactly parallel to this account is Dan 8:18, I was in a deep sleep, i.e. (a trance) on my face towards the ground; but he Touched me, and set me upright. From Jesus alone are we to expect Divine communications, and by his power only are we able to bear and improve them. It is very likely that this transfiguration took place in the night, which was a more proper season to show forth its glory than the day time, in which a part of the splendor must necessarily be lost by the presence of the solar light. Besides, St. Luke, Luk 9:37, expressly says, that it was on the next day after the transfiguration that our Lord came down from the mount.
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