Matthew 26:1


Christ predicts his being betrayed and crucified, Mat 26:1, Mat 26:2. The chief priests, scribes, and elders consult about his death, Mat 26:3-5. A woman anoints his head at Bethany, at which the disciples are offended, but Christ vindicates her conduct, Mat 26:6-13. Judas, for thirty pieces of silver, engages with the chief priests to betray him, Mat 26:14-16. He eats a passover with his disciples, and assures them of his approaching death, and that one of them would betray him, Mat 26:17-21. On each asking, Is it I? Christ asserts that Judas is the traitor, Mat 26:22-25. Having eaten his last supper, he institutes the eucharist, to be observed in his Church as a memorial of his sacrificial death, Mat 26:26-29. They sing a hymn, go to the mount of Olives, and he again announces his approaching death and resurrection, Mat 26:30-32. Peter asserts his resolution to be faithful to his Master, and Christ foretells his denial and apostasy, Mat 26:33-35. He goes to Gethsemane; the transactions there, Mat 26:36-46. Judas comes with the high priest's mob and betrays him with a kiss, Mat 26:47-50. Peter cuts off the ear of the high priest's servant; Christ discourses with the multitude, Mat 26:51-55. The disciples flee, and he is led to Caiaphas, Mat 26:56, Mat 26:57. Peter follows at a distance, Mat 26:58. They seek false witnesses, and question our Lord, who declares himself to be the Christ, Mat 26:59-64. They accuse him of blasphemy, and abuse him, Mat 26:65-68. Peter's denial and repentance, Mat 26:69-75.

Verse 1

When Jesus had finished all these sayings - He began these sayings on Mount Olivet, Mat 24:1, and continued them till be entered into Bethany, whither he was going.
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