Matthew 4:1


Jesus, in the wilderness, is tempted by Satan, Mat 4:1-11. He goes into Galilee, Mat 4:12; and Capernaum, Mat 4:13. The prophecy which was thus fulfilled, Mat 4:14-16. He begins to preach publicly, Mat 4:17. Calls Simon Peter, and his brother Andrew, Mat 4:18-20. Calls also James and John, the sons of Zebedee, Mat 4:21, Mat 4:22. Preaches and works miracles throughout Galilee, Mat 4:23. Becomes famous in Syria, and is followed by multitudes from various quarters, among whom he works a great variety of miracles, Mat 4:24, Mat 4:25.

Verse 1

Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit - This transaction appears to have taken place immediately after Christ's baptism; and this bringing up of Christ was through the influence of the Spirit of God; that Spirit which had rested upon him in his baptism.

To be tempted - The first act of the ministry of Jesus Christ was a combat with Satan. Does not this receive light from Gen 3:17. I will put enmity between the woman's seed and thy seed: it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
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