Matthew 9:10

Verse 10

Sat at meat in the house - Viz. of Matthew, who it appears, from Luk 5:29, made a great feast on the occasion, thus testifying his gratitude for the honor done him; and that his friends and acquaintances might profit by the teaching of his new master, he invites them to the entertainment that was honored by the presence of Christ. His companions, it appears, were not of the most creditable kind. They were tax-gatherers (see Mat 5:46) and sinners, αμαρτωλοι, a word which I believe in general signifies heathens, throughout the Gospels, and in several other parts of the New Testament. See, among others, Mat 11:19 (note); Mat 26:45 (note); Mar 2:15-17 (note); Mar 14:41; Luk 5:30-32 (note); Luk 6:32-34 (note); Luk 7:34, Luk 7:37, (note); Luk 7:39; Luk 15:1, Luk 15:2, Luk 15:7, Luk 15:10 (note); Luk 19:7 (note); Luk 24:7 (note); Joh 9:16, Joh 9:24, Joh 9:25, Joh 9:31 (note); Rom 5:8 (note); Gal 2:15 (note); Heb 7:26 (note); 1Pet 4:18 (note); in most, if not all of which places, it evidently refers to the character or state of a Gentile, or Heathen. See also the notes on these passages.
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