Nehemiah 11:1


Lots are cast that a tenth of the people may constantly dwell at Jerusalem, and the other nine parts in the other cities and villages, Neh 11:1. Some willingly offer themselves to dwell in Jerusalem, and the people bless them, Neh 11:2. An enumeration of the families that dwell in Jerusalem, of Judah, and Benjamin, Neh 11:3-9; of those of the priests, Neh 11:10-12; of the chiefs of the fathers, Neh 11:13; of the mighty men, Neh 11:14; of the Levites, Neh 11:15-18; of the porters, Neh 11:19; of the residue of Israel and the officers, Neh 11:20-24. The villages at which they dwelt, Neh 11:25-35. Certain divisions of the Levites were in Judah and Benjamin, Neh 11:36.

Verse 1

To bring one of ten - Jerusalem certainly had many inhabitants at this time; but not sufficient to preserve the city, which was now encompassed with a wall, and the rebuilding of which was going on fast. Nehemiah therefore obliged one tenth of the country people to come and dwell in it, that the population might be sufficient for the preservation and defense of the city. Ten were set apart, and the lot cast among them to see which one of the ten should take up his residence in the city.
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