Nehemiah 2:11-16

Verse 13

The dragon well - Perhaps so called because of the representation of a dragon, out of whose mouth the stream issued that proceeded from the well.

Dung port - This was the gate on the eastern side of the city, through which the filth of the city was carried into the valley of Hinnom.
Verse 14

The gate of the fountain - Of Siloah.

The king's pool - Probably the aqueduct made by Hezekiah, to bring the waters of Gihon to the city of David. See 2Chr 32:30.
Verse 15

By the brook - Kidron.

By the gate of the Valley - The valley through which the brook Kidron flowed. It was by this gate he went out; so he went all round the city, and entered by the same gate from which he had gone out.
Verse 16

The rulers knew not whither I went - He made no person privy to his design, that he might hide every thing as much as possible from their enemies till he had all things in readiness; lest they should take measures to defeat the work.
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