Nehemiah 7:66-69

Verse 68

Their horses, etc. - The whole of this verse is wanting in fifty of Kennicott's MSS., and in twenty-nine of those of De Rossi, in the edition of Rab. Chayim, 1525, in the Roman Edit. of the Septuagint; also in the Syriac and in the Arabic. It should however be observed, that the Arabic omits the whole list, having nothing of the chapter but the first five verses. The whole is found in the parallel place, Ezr 2:66. Calmet's note on this passage is incorrect.
Verse 69

Their camels, four hundred thirty and five - After this verse St.

Jerome has inserted the following words in the Vulgate: -

Hucusque refertur quid in commentario scriptum fuerit; exin Nehemiae historia texitur. "Thus far do the words extend which were written in the register; what follows belongs to the history of Nehemiah."

But this addition is not found either in the Hebrew or any of the ancient versions. It is wanting also in the Complutum and Paris Polyglots, but is in the Editio Prima of the Vulgate.
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