Philippians 2:19-24

Verse 19

But I trust in the Lord Jesus - He is governor and disposer of all events, being above all principality and power; and I humbly confide in his power and goodness that I shall be a little longer spared to visit you again, Phi 2:24, and to be able to send Timothy shortly to you.

When I know your state - By the correct information which I shall receive from Timothy.
Verse 20

For I have no man like-minded - None of all my fellow helpers in the Gospel have the same zeal and affectionate concern for your prosperity in every respect as he has. He is ισοψυχος· of the same soul; a man after my own heart.
Verse 21

For all seek their own - This must relate to the persons who preached Christ even of envy and strife, Phi 1:15; these must be very careless whether souls were saved or not by such preaching; and even those who preached the Gospel out of good will might not be fit for such an embassy as this, which required many sacrifices, and consequently much love and zeal to be able to make them.
Verse 22

Ye know the proof of him, that, as a son with the father, he hath served with me - The Philippians had full proof of the affectionate attachment of Timothy to Paul, for he had labored with him there, as we learn from Act 16:1-3; Act 17:14; and we find from what is said here that Timothy was not a servant to the apostle, but that he had served with him. They both labored together in the word and doctrine; for apostles and Christian bishops, in those times, labored as hard as their deacons. There were no sinecures; every one was a laborer, every laborer had his work, and every workman had his wages.
Verse 23

How it will go with me - The apostle was now in captivity; his trial appears to have been approaching, and of its issue he was doubtful; though he seems to have had a general persuasion that he should be spared, see Phi 2:19, Phi 2:24.
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